Online Payday Loans Made Simple: What You Need To Know
If you’re thinking about getting an online payday loan and you’re looking at different options, you may have come across us at Texas Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc., and you might be wondering whether we can help. First, it’s important to find out a few basics about payday loans and how they work, so you know if one would suit you.
Keep reading to learn facts about how getting payday loans can help you with financial gaps and their benefits. They’re pretty simple, but it’s still good to have this knowledge before you proceed.
What Should You Know About Payday Loans?
1. They’re Based On Your Income
Payday loans allow you to borrow money in advance of your next paycheck. If you’ve had a sudden cost that you can’t cover while you are waiting for your next paycheck to come in, getting an advance payment could be very important.
Payday loans are based on your income, and you’ll only be eligible for this kind of loan if you are also in regular income. This means you’ll need to be able to produce the most recent pay stub, so bear this in mind before you come to see us for this loan.
However, if you – for whatever reason – can’t provide us with your most recent pay stub, there may be another option. We might be able to accept other forms of income to act as proof that you can repay this loan on time.
The only thing that we ask is that you let us know about your issue with bringing in your pay stub and what source of income you want to use. We will let you know what kind of paperwork you need to bring in to show as proof of your income.
2. You Can Get The Money Quickly
Payday loans are paid fast if you find that you are eligible. If we determine if you qualify for approval, you could get the money either later that same day or the next working day. That makes these a good option if you need funds urgently and can’t wait for a bank loan.
Instead of waiting days or weeks with a bank loan, you can get up to $1,200 if you are approved. When it comes to the payday loan repayment, that is due by your next paycheck – which is usually in two weeks.
3. We Welcome All Credit Scores
Although most kinds of loans are based on your credit history, payday loans are far less focused on that. For people who have a poor credit score, that could be great news. It means we welcome any kind of credit to come in and see if they can get this loan.
There is no reason to let your poor credit stand in your way if you really need quick cash. We here can tell you your chances of approval even if you have poor credit, so come in and find out if you need help!
4. You Don’t Need A Lot Of Required Items
When it comes to the required items you need to bring, we’ve made sure to make the list short and easy to remember. To find out if you can get a payday loan from us, you only need to produce some state-issued picture ID or your driver’s license, a blank check to a checking account in your name, and your most recent pay stub. Once you’ve got these items together, you can come down to your nearest store location where our representative will inspect them.
How Much Can You Borrow With This Loan?
As we said, how much you can borrow depends on your circumstances and how much money you earn, but you may be eligible for as much as $1,200. Of course, not everybody will be able to borrow the full $1,200, so keep that in mind. However, even if your paycheck isn’t very big, you may be able to borrow $100 or more, so don’t dismiss this option because you aren’t a high earner. To find out what you’re eligible for, all you need to do is get in touch and we’ll walk you through the process.
Inquire Today About Our Online Payday Loans Now
Hopefully, you now know all you need to about getting an online payday loan, and Texas Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc. is well-positioned to help you. We offer loans to people in a wide range of situations, so regardless of your credit history or your personal finances, you could find out if you are eligible to borrow some money. If you want to find out whether that’s the case, you can inquire today. All you need to do is fill in a simple online application that you can find on our website right now.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.