Know This Before Getting Installment Loans In Texarkana, TX
Getting Texarkana, TX installment loans often feels like a stressful venture for many people; but in reality, the process at Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc. is simple and doesn’t require a lot of difficult work on your part. But before you get one of our fixed-rate loans, you have to make sure you actually understand it! But understanding installment loans isn’t difficult! So, if you are in need of personal loans Texarkana, keep reading to learn more about this loan right now.
Things To Know Before Applying For An Installment Loan In Texarkana
This Loan Is Different From A Payday Loan
The first thing you should know about these bad credit loans Texarkana is how they differ from our payday loans. While both of these loans don’t require any collateral, there are key differences between them. First, an installment loan allows you to repay the loan in fixed installments instead of all at once. This is why these loans are known as fixed-rate loans – because you pay the same amount monthly. We even have flexible repayment options because you can make your payments online!
Being able to repay your loan in installments versus all at once comes with a few benefits. First, you already know how much you are going to pay monthly. This allows you to work your loan payments into your budget so you can get accustomed to the new expense. Another benefit is that you don’t have to worry about paying the loan back all at once. With a payday loan, it is usually due when you get your next paycheck, which is in two weeks. With an installment loan, you have more time to repay.
You Do Not Need Collateral For This Loan
Texarkana, TX installment loans are a way for you to get emergency cash in rough situations. As we said above, this loan is considered an unsecured loan – which means you don’t need to put up anything as collateral. With some loans, you might have to use your house, car, or some other personal item to secure the money. You don’t have that step with this kind of loan. This means we use other things – like your credit score and ability to repay the loan on time – to see if you qualify for approval.
You Shouldn’t Use This Loan For Just Any Situation
Another thing to know about personal loans Texarkana is how to use them. While this loan is used to get you out of situations, that does not mean it should be used to get you out of just any kind of situation. Installment loans are designed for emergency use only, not frivolous spending. For example, they are not suited for expensive shopping trips; instead, you should rely on good budgeting or alternative methods of making money. Here are a few examples of where an installment loan could be of some help to you:
- Medical emergencies;
- Emergency home or auto repairs;
- Utility bills;
- Emergency travel expenses.
These situations can all cost you a lot — and if they come out of nowhere, it can be money that you simply don’t have on hand. That’s where Texarkana, TX installment loans can help you out in a big way. If your insurance company isn’t paying for damages for one reason or another, or they won’t take on all of the costs, then it might be time to consider an installment loan to get you the money you need now and have the comfort of repaying it at a steady rate.
You Need Certain Required Items
To get this loan from us at Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc., there are a few required items we need to see in order to get you through the Texarkana, TX installment loan process. While these items won’t automatically approve you, we can’t make any decisions without seeing these things first. The first item you’ll need to make sure you have is your Texas driver’s license or your state-issued photo ID to prove that you are at least 18 years old or above because minors can’t apply for this loan.
In addition to your driver’s license or state-issued photo ID, you’ll need an open checking account in your name to allow us to get a full picture of your financial situation. Without this account, you won’t be able to apply for an installment loan, although some other loan types might work for you. Lastly, you’ll need to provide your loan representative with proof of income in the form of your most recent pay stub. With these items ready, you’re all set to apply for installment loans in Texarkana, TX.
We Will Check Your Credit
Another thing to keep in mind is that we will check your credit quickly before we can approve you and tell you how much you can qualify for these bad credit loans Texarkana. Since we aren’t requiring you to have any collateral, we are relying more on your credit and income to help us determine your chances of approval. This does mean if you aren’t confident in your credit history, you might want to look into another loan. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t qualify if you don’t have a perfect credit score.
Applying For A Texarkana Installment Loan Is Simple
Once you know all this other information, you are ready to apply for installment loans in Texarkana, TX. To get started with the process, go to our website and fill out the online form. This online form allows one of our loan representatives from the nearest Texarkana, Texas installment loan location to give you a call. When they do, they’ll go over what you need to bring to the store and answer any questions you may have at this point. They will also set up an appointment for you at the store.
When you visit the store, make sure you have the required items ready so that the loan representative can assess them and determine if you qualify for approval. They will also run a quick credit check when you arrive. After everything is complete, they will determine if you qualify for approval and how much we can lend to you. Should you be approved, you can get the money you need on the same day or the next bank business day.
Submit An Inquiry Today!
When you need installment loans in Texarkana, TX, look no further than Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc. for help. And now that you’ve made sure to know this information about this loan, you can go through this process with confidence and ease. We are ready and willing to help you through it no matter what part of the process you are currently on. So, go to our website and fill out the online form now to get started today.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.