Financial Help For Single Moms: Ways To Get Emergency Cash
It can be very difficult to be a single mom and try to stay afloat with your finances. Dealing with money and your children can make things stressful. With so many bills and emergencies popping up, it may seem that you are always one step behind on your payments. The good news is that there is a lot of financial help for single moms in Texas.
The trick is you just have to know where to look and who to speak to about your financial situation. From nonprofits in the area to emergency loans, there are ways to help you stay afloat and keep taking care of your family. Keep reading to learn more about the different ways you can get financial help for single moms.
A Single Mom's Guide To Getting The Financial Help You Need
The good thing about Texas is there are quite a few options to get financial help for single moms. Some of the help is specifically designed for ongoing problems like paying your bills. Other options include grants and nonprofits. And some help is designed for emergencies. Here are the top five ways we recommend single moms get the financial help they need in Texas right now.
Nonprofits In Texas
When it comes to needing financial help for single moms, a good place to look is nonprofit organizations. These organizations were designed specifically to help you out in your time of great need. If you have an ongoing financial crisis, we recommend contacting nonprofits in your area to get some help. That is exactly why they were designed and are nonprofit.
There are plenty of nonprofits in Texas that are designed to help single moms stay afloat and keep their families safe and healthy. Some top nonprofits in Texas include the Salvation Army, The Catholic Charities, and Feeding America – to name a few. You can also reach out to smaller nonprofits in your area, such as individual churches and recreation centers.
Grants For Single Mothers
In Texas, there are also quite a few grants that single mothers can apply for when they need financial help for single moms. These grants are an option for single mothers who find themselves in a constant state of financial crisis and can’t seem to pull themselves out. Of course, there are requirements for any kind of grant, but these grants can help you out if you do satisfy them.
Whether you need help with paying for education, meeting your child’s basic needs, or needing help with housing, there is a grant available to help you out. A few examples of grants for single mothers in Texas include the Texas Public Educational Grant, Texas Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Texas Children’s Health Insurance Program, and Healthy Texas Women.
Bill Pay Programs
If you need financial help for single moms to pay your bills, there are plenty of programs in Texas that will help you keep up with your bills and stay afloat. These programs will help you find lower alternatives to your bill collectors, help you find payment plans you can handle, and help you defer some of your bill payments. These programs can also help you find payment extensions.
Two programs that help with deferred payment and payment extension on your energy bill are Entergy Texas, Inc. and El Paso Electric. If you need utility payment assistance or tips on making your home efficient, check out the Concho Valley Community Action Agency. And check out Central Texas Electric Co-op, where they round up a dollar on their members’ utility bill and gift the extra cash to single mothers who qualify.
Emergency Title Cash
Sometimes, a financial crisis sneaks up on you due to an unforeseen emergency. Even the most well-prepared mothers find themselves in this sort of situation. For many emergency situations, nonprofits and grants do not offer much help in a fast enough time frame. If you are looking for an emergency solution, you might want to consider emergency title cash.
Come down to Texas Car Title And Payday Loan Services, Inc. for emergency title cash of up to $15,000. This cash comes in the form of a vehicle title loan, that uses your vehicle’s lien-free title as collateral for money. All you have to do is fill out the online form on our website to get started on our simple process. You’ll receive a phone call from the nearest Texas title loan location to continue.
Get The Financial Help For Single Moms That You Need
If you are looking for financial help for single moms, you have plenty of options. You can get grants, talk to non-profits, or find programs to help you pay your bills. So if you are struggling to keep your finances afloat, remember this guide. And if you need help quicker than these three options allow, check out our fourth option for emergency title cash. Fill out the online form to begin.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.