What You Probably Don't Know About Applying For A Payday Advance

When you're faced with unexpected expenses, a payday advance can be a fast and convenient solution. But if you're a first-time borrower, there may be some things you don’t know about this short-term loan. Let’s explore the most important facts to help you make an informed decision.

What You Should Know About Payday Advances

1. Payday Advances Aren't Reported To The Credit Bureaus

When it comes to getting a payday advance from us, the first thing you should know is that it won't affect your credit score because we do not report the loan to the credit bureaus. Your credit report isn't pulled during the in-person process either, meaning you can qualify for this kind of loan even if you don’t currently have the best credit score. Just keep in mind that this isn’t the loan you’d get to directly help improve your credit score, since it won’t negatively or positively impact your score.

2. We Will Look At Your Income To See If You Qualify

The way a payday advance – or payday loan – works is we base how much we can lend you off of your income. This is why one of the required items we must see is your most recent pay stub. This is also why credit doesn’t play a big role in this loan. If you happen to be unemployed, we might be able to accept other sources of income. Just make sure you have the appropriate paperwork to prove your income source. Give us a call to discuss this further to make sure you have the right items.

3. You Can Get Money Quickly

We here at Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc. know how quickly you want to get your money and handle your emergency expenses. This is precisely why we want to make this process as quick as possible. The entire in-person process can last around 30 minutes – and by the end, you’ll know if you are approved. If you are, you’ll get the money either later that exact same day or the next bank business day at the latest!

man looking at stacks of coins with text What You Probably Don't Know About Applying For A Payday Advance

4. You Can Either Get Started Online Or Over The Phone

As we said above, we want to make the payday advance process as simple as possible. And to prove that fact, we allow you to get the ball rolling either through the online form on our website or over the phone. Either way you choose, we will get your basic information and set you up so all you have to do is come in with your required items and wait for us to assess them and quickly let you know if you qualify.

5. Payday Advances Are Short-Term Financing

Payday advances are designed to be short-term financing that helps bridge the gap between pay periods when you really need the money. Typically, they are due back by your next pay check. In most cases, that means they are due back within two weeks. Keep in mind that loan terms do vary, so you’ll have to look at your loan terms and conditions to know exactly when your loan is due back to us.

How to Apply for a Payday Advance in Texas

Getting started is simple. Just bring these required items:

  1. Most recent pay stub or proof of income.
  2. Valid government-issued ID (Texas driver’s license or equivalent).
  3. Blank check from an active checking account in your name.

One of our loan representatives will guide you through the process, review your documents, and determine your loan amount. The entire process is fast and stress-free!

client receiving at payday advance money from representative

Why Choose Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc.?

We make getting a payday advance easy and efficient. Here's why borrowers trust us:

  • Quick Process: Approval in as little as 30 minutes.
  • No Credit Check: Your credit score isn’t a factor.
  • Convenient Locations: Multiple Texas branches to serve you.

One of our loan representatives will give you a call to go over the process and set up the meeting for you to come in. They will also answer your questions and review what is required to apply for a loan. You will go to the closest store with your required documents to allow one of our store associates to assess your items. A loan representative will verify your documents and help guide you through the process. They will determine how much money we can lend you and if you qualify for approval.

Remember, the amount of the eligible loan is mostly determined by your earnings, your financial situation, and your ability to repay the loan. Decisions are made on an individual basis and we make these decisions rather quickly. The in-store process can be done in as little as a half-hour and is a relaxed process so there is little stress. You can get money either the same day or the following business day.

Get Your Payday Advance Today!

Once you understand these facts, you should feel more secure in your decision to get a payday advance. The form also doesn’t mean you are obligated to accept the loan, but if you do, you can use the money for emergency expenses. So, once you are ready, fill out the form to get more information about payday advances from Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services Inc. and get started with the process. You can find out if you're eligible by talking to a friendly loan representative today!


Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Louis Tully

Louis Tully is a full-time finance writer offering financial expertise to everyday consumers. He understands the core values of finance and used his writing talents to share his own experiences with money to his readers. His articles teach how financial failures can easily become successes by making new habits and creating realistic goals.