It can be difficult to enjoy anything if you are constantly struggling with your finances. Whether you have fallen behind on bills this month or are simply in need of fast cash today, a Horizon City title loan, payday loan or an installment loan could be the perfect choice for you. Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc. could provide the fast cash you need in under an hour with amounts of $100 - $15,000*. Our store can be found at 494 North Kenazo Avenue in the Horizon Pointe Shopping Plaza between the National Self Storage Facility and O’Reilly Auto Parts. You can even get a jumpstart on the process by sending in our online request form now.

Within minutes a store representative will call you at the phone number you provided to begin the process. During this quick call, they will make sure you have the required items, answer any questions you have and make sure you understand the process and how it works. After you hang up, just grab the required items and drive your car to our location to finish up. When you arrive, you will complete the paperwork with a loan representative while a location manager inspects your vehicle. Once this is complete, you could have the cash you need in a matter of minutes. We welcome all credit and you keep your car while repaying your loan!


494 North Kenazo Avenue, Suite F-G
Horizon City, TX 79928-5419
(915) 852-2378