If you are struggling to pay your bills on time or your finances could use some help, a Clute title loan, payday loan, or an installment loan could be the right choice for you. Here at Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc., we strive to deliver the cash you need as quickly as possible while treating you with the respect you deserve. Getting started with us is easy - just use our online request form to send us your name, phone number and some basic information regarding your vehicle so one of our friendly store representatives can call you right back. They will explain how the process works, answer any questions you have and get you ready to head to our store to complete the process and get your cash.
After completing this quick call, you’ll be ready to head down to our store. Before you leave, be sure to grab the required items. Our Clute store is at 634 Dixie Drive, across the street from El Potrillo Tex Mex Food next to Dixie Meat Center and Catering. Once you get here, one of our professional loan managers will inspect your vehicle and help you finish up the paperwork. Amounts are available up to $15,000*, even if you have bad credit. You also keep and drive your car while repaying, so is there really any reason not to get started? Let Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc. help you get you the emergency cash you’ve been searching for now.