Whenever you are running low on cash for the month, Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc. could help you put a little extra cash back in your wallet with our McAllen title loans, payday loans and installment loans. With the ability to receive up to $15,000* today and keep your car while repaying your loan, getting the emergency cash you need has never been easier. You can even get started now by simply completing our online request form. This will allow a representative to contact you and ensure you are prepared to head down to our location with all the required items.

Once you have completed the quick call, simply drive your vehicle down to our location and a loan specialist will be happy to help you. We are conveniently located at 3111 North 10th Street, which is right next to Stevenson’s Appliances and across the street from the Sonic Drive-In. Upon your arrival, your vehicle will be briefly inspected while you complete your paperwork with one of our loan specialists. Not long after you could have thousands of dollars in extra cash in your hand, regardless of your credit history. Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc. is ready to help you get the fast cash you are looking for today!


3111 North 10th Street
McAllen, TX 78501-1920
(956) 631-8000