Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc. understands the stress of constant worry over unexpected expenses or a stack of unpaid bills. It doesn’t matter what the circumstance is that has you looking for emergency cash, a McAllen title loan, payday loan or an installment loan could be the perfect choice for you. We could put up to $15,000* cash in your hands today, so get started now with our easy to use online request form. After submitting the form, a representative will call you right back to verify your required items and explain of how the process works. They will also be happy to answer any questions you have about getting your extra cash.

Once the call is complete, head on down to our location at 319 South 10th Street - right on the corner of South 10th Street and West Dallas Avenue, just north of Taco Bell and Pizza Hut. Once you arrive at the store, a loan representative will walk you through the remaining paperwork while your vehicle undergoes a simple inspection. Don’t worry, all of this only takes a few moments and then in a matter of minutes you could have the cash you need. You keep and drive your car while making payments, so getting a title loan, payday loan or an installment loan with us won’t keep you from getting where you need to go. We also welcome any credit, so why not get started now?


319 S.10th Street
McAllen, TX 78501-4848
(956) 682-3400