How Texans Can Get A Payday Loan For Bad Credit
Do you have bad credit? If so, you may be looking at how to get a payday loan for bad credit, because you may not have a lot of other options open to you. A payday loan could be an option if you’re facing emergency financial problems and you need money fast – so let’s find out more about these. In this article, we’ll figure out why a payday loan can be an option for individuals with poor credit, and how you can come to Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc. to get one.
Learn How To Get A Payday Loan With Bad Credit
Why Can You Get A Payday Loan With Poor Credit?
In many cases, a payday loan for bad credit is one of your only options when you need quick cash for emergency expenses. A lot of loans require you to have good credit in order to take them out at all, but a payday loan with us may not. This is because you are borrowing money against your income from your job, which gives us the security that the loan will be paid back on time.
Therefore, it isn’t as important whether you have good credit or whether you have collateral to put up to secure the loan – such as a vehicle title. Bad credit should have less of an impact on whether you are or are not approved for the loan with us at Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc., because it’s borrowed against a secure and ongoing source of income.
How Does A Payday Loan Work?
A payday loan is often paid back on your next payday, although some are paid back over longer periods, depending on your specific loan terms. Payday loans tend to be an option if you have smaller expenses that are still urgent, because you can only qualify for up to $1,200. This means you’d use it for things that pop up that absolutely can’t wait for your next paycheck to come in for you to handle it.
For example, if something has gone wrong with your car and you need to get it repaired quickly so you can continue going to work and earning money, a payday loan can help with those expenses. You can also use them to help you pay off any utility bills that are on the verge of being late – or some that already are late. Again, they are most often used by people who have poor credit and struggle to get other loans as a result.
How Soon Do You Get The Money?
If you are approved for the loan, you can get the money on either the same day you get approved, or the following bank business day. A payday loan for bad credit will be paid just as quickly as if you have good credit, so you don’t need to look for ways to improve your credit rating before taking out this sort of loan. Keep in mind that we do need a clear picture of your income before we can tell you how much we can lend you and if you qualify for approval.
Who Can Qualify For This Loan?
If you do want to get a payday loan for bad credit, you can start the process on our website. Simply fill out the online application, and an agent will get in touch over the phone to discuss the next steps. Alternatively you can just give us a call and apply over the phone as well. We will consider all kinds of people with the required items and varied credit histories; although you aren’t guaranteed to get a loan, you can apply and we can tell you if you qualify for approval.
How Do You Get Through The Payday Loan Process?
To apply for this sort of loan, you will need to have an existing and active checking account, proof of your income, and some valid state-issued identification or your driver’s license. You also need to bring in a blank check for your account with you when you go to meet one of our loan representatives. In most cases, your latest pay stub will be accepted as proof of income, and you should be able to use any valid, state-issued, photograph ID, provided it is your name on the document.
In any case, chat with the representative to let them know what you have available to show us and make sure you have everything ready before you head down to the nearest Texas payday loan location to find out if you qualify for approval. We will assess everything and let you know if you are approved. If you are, we will go over the final paperwork and the loan terms. After that, you can either get the cash that same day or the next!
Submit Your Payday Loan Inquiry Now
Submitting an inquiry is simple and can be done in just a few minutes. From there, you’ll be guided through the process by friendly and professional agents who will help you understand how you can get a payday loan for bad credit.. So if you are worried about your credit history, don’t be! We will still consider you for approval. So don’t hesitate and fill out the online application or give us a call today!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.