Are you stressed out about your finances? With a Lufkin title loan, payday loan or an installment loan, you could get cash amounts up to $15,000* today. Based on the value of your vehicle, Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc. could deliver same-day cash to you regardless of your credit score. In order to find out how much you could qualify for, just fill out our online request form and within minutes a representative from our store will call you. On this call, they will confirm that you have the simple required items, explain the process of getting a title loan and answer any questions you have.
Once you are off the phone, you can drive to our store at 617 North Timberland Drive, which at the intersection of Andrews Avenue across the street from Dipsticks Truck and Auto Repair and Dupree Tire. When you arrive, one of our loan specialists will assist you with your paperwork while your vehicle is inspected. All of this only takes a few moments and before you know it you could have the cash you need. All credit is welcome, and you keep and drive your vehicle the entire time you are paying back your loan. Ready to get started now? Just fill out our online request form and let Texas Car Title and Payday Loan Services, Inc. show you how easy getting emergency cash could be!